
Live The Yacht Week

The yacht week

“Live The Yacht Week”

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Conceptualisation & Script Writing

To promote the launch of The Yacht Week’s 2017 bookings, we created this hype video which inspired people to “live the best week of their life”. It also happens to be The Yacht Week’s most successful trailer to date.

Production Company: Another Brother


if you’re gonna be young,
be the kind of young that you're gonna remember.
Travel with a friend,
No. Travel with 8 best friends
You know what?
Discover a whole fleet of new mates...
Now that’s a crew!
Meet a guy
or a girl
or a whole yacht of bikini wearing girls,
meet that guy.
Live at sea,
live with strangers,
live with a skipper who can free dive
and a bathroom with a real ocean view.
Pick on him,
or pick him.
Pick a spot,
pick up speed,
picture that view.
Stretch your toes,
your body,
your imagination...
stretch your limits.
Is that a floating festival?  
You'll wanna dance,
so dance under the sun,
or the stars,
dance on the front of a 50ft catamaran,
at a day party on a cliff edge.
On the bar,
under the bar,
set the God Damn bar! And don't stop there.
Now that's a floating festival.
Make friends,
make bets,
make promises,
make out
make connections that are more than Facebook official.
You wanna explore,
so do it.
Hike up to it,
dive down to it,
get lost
and found at sea.
If you're gonna live for another week,
own it.
Own every moment
Of every hour
For seven days.
If you are going to live for another week,
Live the best week of your life.

Well, this sold me in seconds
— Jess Bowen